If you have not seen the news, catch it at http://www.xin.sg/ !
This site is a great site for news! Especially for busy people like us, who were unable to catch the news... Great way to get in touch with current affairs constantly!

>> http://www.xin.sg/article.php?article=6705&category=
Watch the video too! Elyse was interviewed!
A little recap on Saturday evening's happenings...
On Saturday evening, the filming team came, with a Caucasian reporter, Oliver.
Everyone was kinda a little puzzled…*Hmm…didn't the interview going to be featured in the Channel 8 or Channel U news?*
Well, we just went on. Set up the interview area, camera man, get the lights and camera running, the reporter did some informal interview with Amos to understand better about Hark Music and the Artiste Development Course (in fluent, accented English)….

Then, suddenly, he switched to fluent Mandarin!!!
Oops…we were a little caught unaware…
And to be a little embarrassed when he said that we must have not been watching 10pm news at Channel 8…Eh...well, of course….cause we are all still working in Hark! (We close at 10.30pm everyday.. Hahaa..)
Oh well, that's just same small little interesting episode from that night…
Here are some photos…

Having a little conversation with Elyse.
After which, they filmed a little on our SAT show.
With such an interesting theme, they decided to interview an audience at the last minute! So, we got to have a short break just after 2 singers to facilitate their filming.
Our lucky audience, Sharon!
With such an interesting theme, they decided to interview an audience at the last minute! So, we got to have a short break just after 2 singers to facilitate their filming.
Our lucky audience, Sharon!

Filming in our Performing Studio

Doing an interview with one of our Audience - Sharon!
The shooting & interview was over…
Al right, carry on to the night's show. Interesting theme that night, JAY CHOU night….
Right, everyone gonna sing his song!
A few breakthroughs that night!

Elyse sang 安静. She was really nervous that night. I guess due to the interview prior to her performance. Plus, the filming crew was recording her performance down that night… That may have added to her nerves. But well, she managed to carry off the song well, just didn't performed exceptionally good.

Ryan brought us a RAPPING SONG ->爸,我回来了! He wore a baseball cap… One comment from the audience: “Couldn't see his face at all throughout the entire performance!”

Next up, Kenneth! In his sickly condition (he was down with fever for 4-5 days! Was on MC the entire week…oohh…take care, boy..), he brought us 白色风车. Nothing really outstanding from last week's performance, but he still managed to bring us the usual unique Kenneth's voice. Without doubt, he's still one of the TOP 3 Artistes-In-Progress that night.

FIONA! Weicai constantly teased her that she's his personal favourite. Aiyo! This made her looked embarrassed all the time on stage (whenever Weicai’s around). She sang 退后. Hmm..but truthfully, I thought what she wore that day was a little 'off' …Suspenders?? When singing a ballad??? Hey girl, you looked like you were going to sing a HipHop or RAP song!

OH! Yoz YOZ!!!! Our Yan Yan Yan JUNMING!!! *WHistleS!!* *Fans SCREAMING*
Right! He got the most screams that night! It was a complete change for him that night and a GREAT BREATHROUGH! He was one of the TOP 3 Artistes-In-Progress that night! He had such great charisma in rapping, OMG, his body language, his tone, his dressing...WONDERFUL! He was completely engrossed in the song...Audiences enjoyed it very much!
Check out this short little video of his performance!

YINGZHI. Ohh…She probably chose a wrong song. She sang黑色幽默. She could not bring out the song well, with control. Well, we all know this song is really hard to sing with the wide range. And…she dressed a little too bright for the song. Hmm, keep it up, girl, and you gonna learn to how to present yourself a little bit better on stage - You always seemed so embarrassed. Ok?
Ooh..Sarah, Sarah.
She played a little hard to please that night. She commanded Weicai, to bring up the stool for her, to set up the music stand for her lyrics, so that 老娘‘Lao Niang’ can start to perform! Ha! This whole episode created quite a laughter among the audience.
She brought us 枫.

"Ooi! Lao Niang wants the chair!"
[Sarah] "Put there!"

[Weicai] "Er...er...The music stand's height ok for u? Lao Niang??..."

Last, Leonard. Kudos to him. Every Saturday, he rushed down from the NDP rehearsals. Feeling tired, hurried, without warming-up, he could still bring us good performances! That Saturday, he reached Hark in the midst of Sarah's performance. We thought this time, we will need to do without him…but woosh! Just In Time!
He sang 开不了口. Good job, dude. Still, he's one of the TOP 3 Artistes-In-Progress without fail. Consistently, he is in the TOP 3 since the start of 实在歌手大考验.
Our TOP 3 AIPs that night.........
JUNMING!!!!!!!!!!! (HurRaY!!)
Coming Saturday's Performance...
The theme is "The Eighties - 80's <八时年代>"
The AIPs are going to sing RETRO songs!
Interesting, right? Young people singing oldies! 应该很有看头!
Songs like:
.....and more!!! (of course)
And...I've got a 内幕 that Xinyun may be performing too.
And she will be bringing us a RETRO song, of course! To fit the theme!
To avoid disappointment, call us 6333 0733/ 6339 0100 to reserve your seats with us!