3rd Batch of HPT Audition Updates

36 students were selected from the audition held on 21 March, to go through a final selection round on 3 May!

This time round, the format was different.

Students were paired up, forming a duet consisting of a vocalist and an instrumentalist (pianist or guitarist). They have 3 weeks to present their chosen song in unplugged.

This final round of test was arranged to judge on their creativity in song arrangement, coordination between performers and of course, their level of improvement since the first audition.

Total of 13 groups presented on that day. There will be 6 more groups presenting on 24 May.

The result of this final selection round will be released on
27 May (WED)

And yes, the selected students' names will be published in this blog.

Meanwhile, let’s enjoy some of the photos taken on that day!