.... and hear your own songs played on national radio?
Introducing 《实在歌手》训练班!
This Artiste Development Course (6-mth) is unlike all the others in the market...

"We create a realistic training programme for your 1st step into the music industry."
You might wonder...."What does it means by realistically?"....
We mean realistically by:
1. You do not need to join a school, wait around, hoping someone will spot your talents and bringing it to another level...
This course intention is already to select someone (..or even more) to bring their singing talent to another level.
2. We have already established ties with EQ Music & Red Planet Productions, all ready to create a local music product, together with PartyWorld KTV to support this upcoming local singing talent. (Imagine your songs to be a hit in karaokes alongside with your favourite singers?)
Plus the support of SpunkPunkFunk, an image & styling consultant - rest assured you are on the road to shine!
With the collaboration of these partners, this is already a commitment we promised!
3. We do not just teach you how to sing, etc. We teach you how to be the singer in you!
Topics such as performing, recordings sessions allows you to experience the journey of being a singer. You will also get to understand the insights of the music industry!
4. At the end of the course, even if you might not be selected one, you still gain to possess a personal portfolio album with your own demo songs recorded throughout the course!
The contents of the course also include - appearances of guest trainers who are already industry veterans to share stuffs like what record companies are looking for and the details of an album production.
...See, you have all to gain through this 6 months course! :)
There is a professional judging panel throughout the entire course to evaluate students' performance & potential. At least 1 will be selected to release an EP album locally, all made possible with all the supporting partners.
Now, this is what we call - Realistic. 实在.

2010 Audition Date now released!
(for all from 13-35 years old)
Date/Time: 24th April (SAT) 2010, 2pm
Registration: $10
What to prepare for the audition?
30 secs self-introduction
2 songs with different genre to be sang in acapella (at least 1 chinese pop song)
2 Easy Way to reserve your audition slot!
1. Call 6333 0733/6339 0100
2. Email info@harkmusic.com (Full Name & Contact Number)
We will contact you shortly for the registration details!

Don't miss this chance of a lifetime! See you then!