We had a MayDay-Theme Concert on 27th Aug by Hark Performers & boy, it was high!
There was an encore & it was FULL-HOUSE!!!!!!!
Let photos do the saying. :)
Starting at 6pm.... We started soundcheck.

David, plugging-in the guitar... Nice shot! ;)

Oh, what a nice smile! Amos must be feeling excited!
... We started the show at 7.15pm....
Jack - The host of the night took the chance to warm-up the crowd!

Jack - "Everyone... It's all MayDay's songs for the night!"
We started with
--> -->温馨进场. Performers line-up:
-->Yanni, Shawn, An Li, Bufeng, --> Weiqi, Melvin.

Kicking of the show is Shen Jau & Yanni. They did a few acoustic numbers and a duet.
民歌餐厅style. A soothing start~~~ A great way to wind-down after a day's of work!
Yanni performing 天天想你, 私奔到月球 (with Shen Jau)

Shen Jau - 深情的演唱~~~

Performing 燕尾蝶, 聽不到~

What a cool shot. :)

Weiqi on guitar; Melvin on keyboard.

Now coming to the section of
-->深情流露! David, together with Travis, Adrian, Sherrie.

David, giving all his 'might'~~~ performing
-->知足 & Medley of -->倔強 & Paradise.

Hmm.. seems like he was satisfied with his.... PERFORMANCE! :)

Sherrie on keyboard.

Travis, on the guitar.
Next up, was the line-up of Eugene, Merilyn, Weihong and Weixuan.
They brought us favourites like 純真, 突然好想你 & 溫柔!

Jack, duet with Eugene for 溫柔.

Jinghui on keyboard.

Weixuan, playing drums to hype up the atmosphere!
~~ Interval Break ~~
Many took the time for PHOTO-TAKING SESSION!
Say Cheese!
Shen Jau, Adrian & friends having a group shot. Nice!
Yanni, Anli, Shen Jan, Bufeng & Shawn group shot. Good job, guys.
Taking photos of the stage & performances!
The whole family, all here to enjoy!
Next, we proceeded to
-->热情奔放! Energy-level increased with Jack, Suteck, Jinghui!
Performances of Hokkien Medley of 憨人+好不好+志明與春嬌, 擁抱 & 瘋狂世界!

Amos also '客串' on the drums for 瘋狂世界

Jack, with a big signature smile of his!
Audiences are enjoying to their fullest! Our pop piano instructor - Raymond was also here that night to enjoy!
Suteck, on the guitar.

Wow... 2 outfits. Hmmm.. 换装!
Ooohh.. even the panda loved the show!
Capturing the moments on stage.
The finale moments came!
-->温度最高点! Amos, Shawn and Jane. With electric guitars!
Performing 恋爱ing, 离开地球表面.

Jane on keyboard.

Amos on electric guitar and vocal.


Claps, claps, claps!
Amos, Shawn, Jane did
-->天使 for the encore piece. Invited Jack & David came on stage to sing along too!

GROUP PHOTO ~ Everyone!!!

High FIVE!!!!
We had such a good time!!!!
Looking forward to the next theme concert, which will be happening every quarter for Hark Performers!