A great 'Tiger' year ahead!

All at Hark Music have been really busy since the break after Chinese New Year!
It's a great start to this new year!

Coming months will be a challenging and exciting period for us.

One of the programme, which we held a few previews back in January will be commencing soon in 20 March - Accelerated Guitar Mastery! We are caught up in preparation after the CNY break.

We had such good response this time round, compared to our inaugural batch in last September 2009. It was a 200% increase in the enrolments. *Claps, claps, celebrate!*

We were overwhelmed! Thank you!!!
And yes....with this, we are even more eager to impart all we can and all we have, to everyone in this 1-month intensive course!

We are definitely going to create another 'WOW' this time round!

Talking about the previews in January, we really got to thank our past AGM graduates for rendering their support in this event and taking their precious time out to perform and share their learning journey to everyone. I believe, that is one of the important moments during the preview. People see the results in our graduates.
Thank you, guys & gals!

All right, enough of the Accelerated Guitar Mastery programme....

Now, our music director, instructors and our performers are now very busy preparing & rehearsing for a performance item in an 3,500 strong charity concert, which will be held on 20 March, Saturday (yes, it coincides with the 1st day of the Accelerated Guitar Mastery...)!

We will be preparing for an acoustic medley segment of over 15 songs.
This concert will be publicize through various print medium. Once the news is out, I will post in this blog to share with everyone!

Oh yes, another exciting project:
Soon, we will be launching a programme, in collaboration with strategic partners such a EQ Music (record label), Red Planet (production house) & PartyWorld KTV.
I believe this programme will sure to excite you! Not only us!

Sorry, we can't reveal it now as yet....Stay tuned for more information!

Till our next post, keep your passion in music going on!
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