Oh yes!!! We are so excited about this event!
18th April 2010
To be frank, it has been a long long time since we did a course preview...
....Almost 4 years!
This is one of our signature events where many music learners are constantly looking forward to .... We had got many emails, asking us when is the next one.....
We only held a 2 times per year then.
Though the preview session, we shared with music enthusiasts about Hark's teaching approach, our 3 mainstream courses' presentation....and best of all, the performances!
It inspired many!
Now, in our 10th year, we decided to bring this signature event back....and even better!
This time, we are proud to say, we're giving away our own exclusive Hark's merchandise.
All participants of this course preview will get a stylish water bottle (worth $12) for FREE!

It's our 10th year.
We are really very glad that we've made it here.
Come for this preview and you will definitely understand why so many has chosen Hark Music as their 1st choice in pop music learning!
Read more about the preview contents below.

Interested? Be fast, to get your exclusive seats.
'Cause, this exclusive event is LIMITED to 50 ONLY.
Book your seats in 2 Easy way.
1. Email us info@harkmusic.com with your Full Name, Contact Number
2. Call us at 6333 0733/6339 0100